Hi All,
Stop! Be In The Moment...Be Present
Day to day we get up, get the kids ready, drop them off at the sitter, go to work, come home, rush around, pick up the kids from school, prepare dinner, homework, bath time, check emails, taxi driver, extracurricular activities, chill time, etc etc etc... That pretty much is a typical day for alot of people, I know it is for me. In the daily list of things to do, no where does it mention take time out for you, or to slow down. If you have a typical day, are you taking time out for yourself? Often mothers and/or fathers will conduct their day to day business, on no sleep, not enough time, and not eating properly. It really seems as if we live our lives in a robotic state.
Looking at your conscious vs your unconscious mind...The conscious mind is the part of your mind that is responsible for logic and reasoning, so for example if I asked you what
2 + 2 is, you are aware and conscious of what I am asking you, if you wanted to pick up your coffee, and have a sip, you are conscious of what your actions are. The unconscious mind is the part of your mind responsible for all of your involuntary actions. Have you ever drove to work, and upon your arrival said "I don't even remember the drive here" it was almost like your car drove in auto pilot, you were in a unconscious state of mind.
Consciousness is important when you want to be in the now, it takes focus, awareness, and discipline to be in the moment. How much of your thoughts and emotional energy is spent on either the past or the future? Once you realize how much of your time and energy is involved in something other than the moment, and once you realize that what you think and feel is entirely up to you, you will have the key to being in the moment. Being in the moment is a state of awareness in which you do not think or feel anything, or about anything. Attention is focused on your presence, or being, and you are completely aware of your body, all sensations of your body, surroundings, emotional state, and mental state, all without any thought or emotions about it at all.
When I read about the conscious vs your unconscious state of mind a couple of things come up for me, first, that I struggle to be in the moment with my kids sometimes, and I live my life in an unconscious state more then I would like to. Today I saw a program about a stay at home mom Andrea, who took her kids health and well being for granted, and just couldn't be present for her kids, she was almost angry being home. She decided to travel to another home, Stephanie a plane crash survivor and a mother of 5. With the severity of Stephanie's burns she was kept in a medically induced coma for 3 mths while she was healing, 80 percent of her body was burned. Once she was released from the hospital, they showed her day to day struggles, where she had to put on protective gloves to help heal her skin, constant surgeries, 5 small children to tend to, and constant pain. Although she has her struggles, she lives in the present moment with her family, she realizes how close she was to having her life cut short. It really opened Andrea's eyes and is now making a conscious effort to be in the moment with her children. Here are a couple of links to a very inspirational individual, she helped me realize that I need to also be more in the moment.
What will you do to be in the moment?
What will you do to slow down?
What will you do to take time out for yourself?
Looking forward to your responses
Slow Down....Be Present
Much Love,
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