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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Passing my Exam

Hey Everyone,

It has been almost a month since I past my final exam with CTI, I had to take the Oral portion of the exam to complete my designation to become a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC).  I had so many emotions running through my mind, not to mention my heart. To some it was just protocol, and completion, but to me it meant so much more.

I've been waiting to write until I could express the feelings I felt when I received confirmation that I had passed. Throughout my life I was never encouraged to go to college/university, which was unfortunate because I had a gift that needed to be shared. I realized in my late 30's that I was meant for a different path in life, there was a higher purpose for me, but what was it, I often found myself asking?

I am an abuse survivor, a divorcee, a child with a parent addicted to pain killers, volunteer, mother, sister, mentor, coach, and the list goes on. I've seen it all, I've heard it all, I have the experience, and wisdom to help others who have lived a similar life. What I will tell you is the choices you make and the paths you take will determine the life you lead. The choice I made was to break the cycle in my family and provide the greatest life possible for my kids.

When I had my youngest child and I was on Maternity leave, I felt like a shift was happening in my life, I did not know what was happening but it was an amazing feeling. It felt like I was being sent a message, to follow my dreams, you have a gift use it. So I decided when I went back to work I would begin the curriculum to become a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach. I completed the curriculum, but I wanted more, so I went through the process of certification for the designation of CPCC.

While in the program, I was supported by my husband (new), my children, and my friends. Unfortunately but expected, I never received any support from my parents, and one of my brothers. They thought many things of me while I was going through the program, they tried to discourage me but I was above that, I knew this was meant to be. "You won't finish, your wasting your time, your wasting your money" etc...So when someone tells me I can't do it, I go full force and do it even harder.

You maybe wondering how any of this has anything to do with passing my exam, but I will tell you, throughout my life I was always told you are "stupid, dumb, a mistake, idiot, you need to be in special schools" etc... So hearing that, I had always judged myself, I am not educated, I am not smart enough, I can't compare to smart people, I am dumb etc...

What drove me was not wanting to live as a victim anymore. I felt as though I was forced to live in victim mode my entire life, but living like that was doing nothing for me.  I had to come way out of my comfort zone to pass my exam. It was one of the hardest things I went through, but the end result was I knew I had to pass. I want my kids to know, when you want something bad enough you go for it.

I persevered, and I accomplished. Other then giving birth to my children, this has been the biggest accomplishment in my life. I no longer live in victim mode, I forgave the people who hurt me, and I trust my higher purpose will be achieved.

Thanks again for stopping by...

Happy Holidays to you and your Family...Stay Safe Everyone!

Much Love,
Shelley Harris

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Movement of Forgiveness...

Hello All,

To forgive, or not to forgive? How many of you are in a place just like me where you can or cannot forgive? I am in my 40's and I am a abuse survivor. I have lived a life of anger/frustration/and confusion towards people who were suppose to love and protect me. I lived my life in a complacent state. Was it right no, was it safe no, but it was my life and it was all I knew. 

I feel I missed out on a lot of things, sure we went on family trips, and we had nice Christmas presents, but what about the emotional/physical responsibility of being a parent, and the safety and security of raising your children. I wanted to believe my parents were doing the best they could, but it was hard as a child to see "normal families" and to know yours was just "different".

Today I am choosing to forgive the people who hurt me. If you asked me a month ago if I could forgive the individuals I would have said flat out NO! I am working with an amazing individual who has me looking in areas I never knew existed or were even possible. I feel the shift is happening in my life, and it feels great to FORGIVE. Showing forgiveness is a sign of strength, and I hold the power to forgive and no one can take that away from me. 

This statement rings so true for me... ~Let your heart guide you through this journey that you are on... Take the pain that you experience and grow; and always be grateful for it, always. ~

If I didn't go through the experiences in life, I would never be where I am today, I am happy, fulfilled, and excited for the next chapter of my life. I have an amazing husband and 3 beautiful children, and they inspire me each and everyday xoxo.

Being a Life Coach has opened up an incredible chapter in my life but through all of the trials and tribulations, this is my life and will continue to be my life so if any of this interests you, follow along for the next stop on my journey.

Until Then...

Shelley Harris
Professional Co-Active Coach