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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Dare to Dream...

With Oprah in Hamilton at Copps Coliseum
Do you dream, does your mind wander, what do think about, have you put any action into your dreams? What are some of your big dreams, and what about the smaller dreams that lead up to the bigger dream(s)?

I have always been a dreamer, sometimes my dreams are unrealistic or at least I think they are, then I start thinking wait, why am I judging my own dreams, they are my dreams, and if I want to dream them I will. One of my all time dreams has been to work with teens. I love them, I relate to them, and I am so passionate about them.

As long as I can remember I envisioned myself working with teens, I didn't know how, where, when, but I certainly knew why! My "why" is,  as a teen I did not have someone to communicate my feelings to, I didn't have a go to person, and I certainly didn't want to talk to my parents. As a sexual abuse survivor I felt alone, and never good enough, a lack of confidence, and no self esteem. But through it all I knew I was different. I may not have been able to choose my childhood, but I certainly chose my outcome. I can now proudly say that I am working as the publicist for Derrick Shirley, and as the PR Director for It Takes 2 Youth Leadership Institute.

One of the greatest lessons I've learned has been through my own children. Children/teens talk to me all the time, and my biggest take away is that they want to be heard, and they want to be seen. Even Oprah talked about this in her speaking engagement in Hamilton. Everyone wants to be heard, wants to be seen, and wants to be validated. Often we sit there and judge before our child even gets the words out of their mouth. We as parents/mentors/educators have to appreciate what the child/teen is bringing to the "table" and be open to wanting to listen, we may not agree, or we maybe disappointed but it is our job to listen. I bring this up because often parents will say to me, how can I communicate with my child, if you are truly open, and not judging the process will work.

I can talk teen talk all day, now getting back to my dreams. I always saw the vision, and the dream of me being surrounded by teens and getting paid for what I love to do. It is getting close, we are so close to sponsorship for IT2 and then I know all my efforts will pay off. This is a dream that I cannot wait to achieve. Being paid for what you love to do, how awesome is that!

Secondly, my next all time dream was to meet Oprah, well I am happy to say not once but twice I got to meet and speak with Oprah. I have blogged previously about my trip to California and the joy of meeting Oprah the first time. I have to tell you about my recent meeting with Oprah. This past Saturday, April 13th, 2013,  I woke up, and as I normally do, grabbed my cell and looked to see if there are any texts, or messages, etc...but what I saw was a call from Chicago.

I was like hmm the only people/company I know in Chicago is Harpo Productions. Right away my heart started beating so fast, especially because I knew I was going to Oprah in Hamilton that night. I thought oh good they left a message. So I eagerly listened to the message and low and behold it WAS Harpo Productions aka OPRAH!! The message was from one of Oprah's Directors personally inviting me to the meet with Oprah and have photo ops with her that night backstage. The first thing was, HOLY CRAP, that changes everything. I was going to just wear jeans, and a sweater, now it's like okay I will have to put something together that will be Oprah worthy lol. As I said to my husband it will need to be Oprahified lol.

When I arrived in Hamilton with Jan, my fellow OWN Ambassador, we met up with her son for a quick bite to eat, and then met up after with a few more OWN Ambassadors for a quick drink. We shortly left as we were due to be backstage by 5:30 pm. When we arrived at Copps Coliseum in Hamilton, we were escorted backstage where we spent time with Dina Pugliese and Kevin Frankish from Breakfast Television in Toronto. We also had the pleasure to hang out with George Stroumboulopoulos from CBC, and CNN. What a fun bunch they were!

Later on, one of Oprah's staff approached us, and said wait until the end of the line so Oprah can spend a few extra moments with you. To cap off the entire night, as I sat in a packed Copps Coliseum, Oprah shouts out my name. Can you believe that, not only does she do a shout out to the OWN Ambassadors, she shouts out my name, like holy shizzle LOL. That moment was so surreal.

In closing....Your dream could be meeting someone, or riding across Canada (Derrick Shirley is currently doing that now) or taking a trip, whatever your dream is, do what needs to be done, and give it life. You can be/do anything you want to, if you think it, you can do it! Move toward it each day, and it will happen!

Thanks for stopping by... All your dreams can come true, if you have the courage to pursue them.~Walt Disney

Much Love,
Shelley Harris

Picture in California at our OWN Ambassador private lunch

Jan and Shelley

My children

Saturday, April 6, 2013

VLOG - Living Life on Purpose

VLOG - Living Life on Purpose

In the video I share my thoughts about my recent stay at Hotel Metro in London, Ontario. I also talk about living life on purpose, coming out of your comfort zone, and doing what you are passion about.

Thanks for listening....


Friday, April 5, 2013

Amazing Teens Making Wow! - Story Contest


Do you know a teen doing amazing things in the community? Let us know! Enter your story of what a teen has done to WOW you and you could win a new iPad and get published!

Best Regards,
Shelley Harris, CPCC

Director of Public Relations
Certified Professional Coach & Mentor
It Takes 2 (IT2) Youth Leadership Institute
Twitter: mobile_mentor

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Passing Judgement

I am so appalled...Today my brother dropped my nephew off at Crabby Joe's Tap and Grill at Dundas and Highbury in London, Ontario to reserve a table to watch the UFC fight. My nephew is 19 years old, and has ADHD and a speech impediment. He left to pick up my Sister In Law from work to take her home and told Brandon to reserve a table and he will be back in half an hour. Every time there is a UFC fight, my brother and my nephew go to Crabby Joe's and have a father and son night out and watch the fight. So in total my brother was gone about 30 mins. When he came back, my nephew was outside freezing and ran to the car as soon as Jeff (my brother) got there. Jeff asked what happened, . Brandon then explained to Jeff that he was kicked out of the restaurant, and my brother was like WTF? Apparently the manager thought my nephew was drunk, but the kicker is, my nephew has never had a drink in his life.

Because of my nephew's ADHD and a speech impediment they thought he was drunk and kicked him out. I know one thing is for sure, if that was my child, they would certainly be hearing about. Needless to say my brother tore a strip off the manager, I told my brother he should contact the head office and report this incident. This is not okay, we instil in our kids to rise above, this ignorance is not acceptable.

Brandon is a bright wonderful young man, and they definitely made a very bad judgement call. I would expect better then that, especially coming from the manager.

Thanks for listening....Rant is over

Have yourself a blessed week!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Update from our CEO & Visionary Leader, Derrick Shirley

Thank you so much for your support Janet, Tonya, Krys, Shelley and all of the other OWN Ambassadors; Oprah's "Carriers of Light", and everyone else who has help support us.

Because time and our fundraising goal is running short, I talked to my publisher and am extending the book giveaway offer until I am done the Cross Canada bicycle ride.

I leave Vancouver on April 16 (also my 45th birthday) and will be riding almost 8000 kms, up to 150km a day (6-8 hours a day) reaching St. John's NF in the first week of July. I will be stopping in at police precincts garnering their support and doing talks to 1000's of high school students across the country about the power of youth leadership and Dreaming Big!

Hundreds of others have helped us in this worthwhile cause to promote youth leadership and end teen suicide. We can't thank people enough for the support we have received this far. People have donated hours upon hours of their personal time to help bring The IT Takes 2 Tandem Bicycle Ride for Youth at Risk to life; It is truly amazing.

Now, we just need cold hard cash to cover the expenses and deliver the program to the youth. There is no simpler way to put it.

The St. Thomas Health Club has sponsored us over $20,000 worth of space for the Institute where I now have my treadmill desk set up so I can work and workout at the same time. Leanne Meek, my wonderful partner, has been paying all of our bills and expenses as I am working sometimes over 100 hours a week combined on this program, seeing clients, writing wellness tips, and talking on the phone with police, sponsors, and doing press interviews. It is a tremendous amount of work but it's working!

Last week we got our first celebrity endorsement and he will be doing a video testimonial for us from LA and then sending it on to other celebrities for their support. I received calls from the RCMP in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick and they want to ride with me when I hit the Maritimes. Staples is going to help us with door prizes when we get to the high schools, and we just sent our sponsorship package into Husky Energy and hope to start talks with them. But getting the big corporate sponsors takes hours and hours of background work, phone calls and emails. So in order to get this years ride off the ground and keep us going until our corporate supporters hear this message, we need the help of the public.

All anyone has to do is go to our current website www.IT2Institute.com (a new one is on the way). At the bottom of the page there is a donation button. Click that button to make your donation and for any donation over six dollars (that covers the cost of shipping), I will personally send an autographed copy of my book with a special note of thanks.

Here is the link to visit the site: www.it2institute.com

And if you already purchased a book, and you have already made a donation, thank you. We are asking you to carry this message on to your contacts and into your workplace. Copy and paste these words above, send them the link to the website, or do your own email blitz. If we reach 1 million people and 1 million people give us $1 each we will be able to deliver this program.


Thanks so much for your support and see you on the road!

Derrick Shirley

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

How Can We Prevent The Sexual Abuse Of A Child?

After watching Our America on OWN TV tonight (Tuesday February 26th, 2013) I felt the need to share ways to prevent your child from being sexually abused. 

As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse (Starting at the age of 3), I know the signs, and can feel it in my sixth sense. You must listen to your gut feeling. If something doesn't seem right, then more then likely is not right. As a parent you have to keep all lines of communication open. Look at the demeanor of your child, if things start shifting, you need to be right on top of that and start asking questions. Make sure you encourage your child that no matter what they say they will not be judge, criticized or be in trouble. Provide a loving platform where your child feels they can be open. Let them know that if if someone said not to tell your parents, you let them know that that is wrong, and as a parent you are the first to know if anything happens. Also be wary of the circumstances/situations you put your child in. And the most important thing, BELIEVE your child.  

1-in-4 girls and 1-in-6 boys are sexually molested and 90 % of the time it's by someone they know

A few of my tweets tonight:

"Sexual abuse is a taboo subject, but open up and talk about it. Stop it from happening again and again"

"If we open up and recognize the signs, our children will not have to endure what we did"

"I often wonder if given the opportunity would I confront my abuser, and the answer is definitely!"

"Pedophiles secure trust to do what they want to do"

"That has been my life mission, breaking the cycle"

Myself , mother, and two oldest brothers
 Thanks for stopping by...

Much Love,


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Beyond My Wildest Dreams

It is after midnight, everyone has gone to bed, the lights are out and I'm sitting in the dark with the biggest smile on my face. If people saw me right now they may think I am in another world...But I am not in another world, I am right here feeling very grateful for my life.

As I sit here and reflect about my life the past (Cough Cough) 40+ years I can't help but acknowledge where I am today. Throughout the years there has been so much adversity, sadness and trauma, I think there is no way I can continue to be a positive individual, there is just too much. But then I stop myself and say "Shelley, take it all and use it as a gift, you survived and you are so wise because of it". As I sit with my thoughts I begin to realize that God has given me a tall order, why, because he knows I can handle it. If I have been through all of that, and survived I can do anything!

The past 25 years I worked in a warehouse and last summer everything changed. I knew since forever I wanted to be of service to people, but I didn't know how, well, it became clear about 5 years ago. As I've written in previous blogs, I completed my Coaching designation and started to plan out my career transition. But every door I knocked on, was closed in my face, every phone call I made, there was a hang up, and every resume sent there was a no. I thought how am I ever going to transition what God has called me to do if no one believes in me!?

That was up until this past year. Last summer my work closed down and I was permanently laid off, most people would have been devastated but I was over joyed, this was my ticket out of there. So in this past year, I've had the biggest personal growth in my life. It all began with attending Lifeclass with Oprah in Toronto, part of the founding OWN Ambassadors group, private lunch with Oprah, Oprah following me on Twitter, breakfast with DeVon Franklin, after party with Iyanla Vanzant, and the list goes on and on.

Then this past November the universe alignment continued, I reached out to my high school friend Derrick Shirley who had a vision. For several months I watched his journey, and I knew I wanted to get involved, so I asked what can I do to help with IT2 (It Takes 2 Youth Leadership Institute)? Being lead by someone as brilliant as Derrick Shirley has not only help me grow as an individual, but he is the first person in my life who has given me the confidence to do a job that I wasn't even sure I could do (Public Relations). He believed in me, and because of that I believe in myself.

I am a quiet girl (okay maybe not so quiet) who made the right choices, worked hard, chased her dreams, and is now sitting here with some of the greatest connections. Whether it is Oprah Winfrey, OWN Network, DeVon Franklin, Iyanla Vanzant, or the police across Canada, I'd say I've done something right. Hard work and perseverance pays off, what are you willing to do to accomplish your dreams?

My closing comments...If you want it, DREAMBIG and MAKE IT HAPPEN!!

Much Love,
Shelley xo

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A Letter from IT2 CEO & Visionary-Derrick Shirley


Hi friend. If you have known me long enough, you know I rarely sit still, laugh a lot, and at times, can be pretty intense. I have enjoyed many work adventures from tree planting to bartending to municipal program development. Now I am a family and youth counsellor and CEO of the not-for-profit, "It Takes 2 (IT2) Youth Leadership Institute." I'm smiling as I write this because I know this is what I am meant to do. If you have found your "one thing" then you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't yet, I encourage you to look inside; not out.

Starting April 29, 2013, my first act as CEO will be to bicycle from Vancouver Harbour to the top of Signal Hill in St. John's, Newfoundland to raise money for our charity's signature program, the "It Takes 2 Tandem Bike Ride for Youth at Risk." A program that connects youth at risk with police officers in a cross-country, provincial relay on tandem bicycles; the first of its kind in the World. Very cool stuff.

The whole trip is almost 8000 km. The other day I realized just how far that really is. The most I have ever ridden is 100 km and that was when I was 22; now I'm 44. And I do not even have a proper bike yet! Am I worried? Nope. Cause, I have faith, purpose, padded bicycle shorts and great people support.

I will be stopping in at 50+ Police Service units, talking to 1000's of High School students, and connecting up with program sponsors along the way. The "RideofPromise.com" website is almost done and will be launched in the next 2 weeks.

There is still a tremendous amount of work to do though. We need to get final approvals, create the youth leadership program curriculum, secure sponsorship and funding for the next three years, develop our Board bylaws, put drywall up in the Institute, hire staff, get an RV (and a bike)...this list just grows.

I have been working on this program for the last three years and have now joined with 14 of the most amazing and passionate volunteers who do what they can, where they can: Shelley Harris, Nashila Dharshi, Tia Graham, Pete Twiss, Lethbridge Chief of Police Tom McKenzie, Constable Dan Fraser, Constable Russell Hodgins, Keith Shirley, Connie Fraser, Leanne Meek, Fred Sarkari, Richard Amaral, Dino Cabalfin & Beni Johnson. There is no way we would be where we are without their hours of work, dedication and commitment to our shared mission: "To create exceptional youth leaders through partnerships." In short, "We Make Wow."

Here are a couple of our WOW examples:

Nic Lepchuk. Nic is an IT2 Youth Ambassador and program spokesperson. After being jumped and swarmed by a group of teen boys, Nic forgave his attackers and now at the age of 13, IT2 will help Nic fulfill his dream; to be a paid keynote speaker and by the age of 14, he will be a published author.

Isaiah Kuhn. Isaiah is a young boy with Aspergers who at the age of 5 started his own charity work and at the age of 13 will head up our Police Appreciation Division.

Friends, seriously...we haven't even begun our official program yet! Just think of all the lives we can transform together; think of all the WOW we can make together!

Here's where you come in. I know you're probably already busy and stretched for time as it is. But we need the help, leadership, and energy of visionary, dedicated, and imaginative people that can take a lead in your circle of influence; your community, workplace, or church to help organize your own unique fundraising event for IT2. It could be a community garage sale, a dance party, a sporting event, a workplace challenge, or private donations from wealthy or everyday philanthropists. We want to inspire you enough to do your own thing to help in our shared efforts. That is what community is all about.

If you or someone you know can answer this call and are interested in helping us out with our fundraising efforts for the 2013 "Ride of Promise" and beyond, please contact me as soon as possible at:


Because our program impacts youth all across the country, it doesn't matter whether you're in London, Calgary, Vancouver, Moose Jaw, or St. John's. Whatever you can do, no matter how small or how great will make a difference. Your efforts will help another teenager avoid a life of confusion and hardship, help another young life end in triumph rather than suicide, and help us make more WOW.

Oh and if you're really up to the challenge, we will likely need a community fund raising coordinator to manage all of the community fund raising projects we will soon have!


For more information or to simply make a donation visit:

Thank you so much,
Derrick Shirley

Twitter: derrickshirley