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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Visioning My Life Purpose

Hi All,

What is your Life Purpose, how much time have you really spent envisioning your Life Purpose? People ask how do I know? It can come in a couple of ways, it can be that gut feeling, like you were put on this earth to do something, or it feels like some sort of calling. Even from when you were a child saying, when I "grow up" I want to be                      .  How many of you followed through with your dreams? I always said I was going to be a hairdresser and follow in my families footsteps, I had the knack and it was in my blood, however I chose my other life long dream/passion of helping people and never waivered. I've lived my life based on what I want to do for others in my future.

As young as I can remember I felt the need to encourage people to be happy, and make the right choices and/or decisions in life. Growing up my mission was to help/protect kids, make them feel equal, make them feel safe. My home-life was questionable at best, not always a positive environment, it really pushed me to be a better person, and not judge anyone on who they are or their situation. People look at me as being a happy person, and because of the choices/decisions I've made I am.

Everyone is born with a Life Purpose, but some people never look for it so it remains unknown, it is that hidden gift we all have, you have the answers you just need to search yourself for what those answers are, listen to your calling, it has a story to tell.

The legacy I want to leave behind, is that I lived my life intentionally, I lived it with purpose and captured what it was like to be fully alive. Your life purpose is about using your learnings, experience, and wisdom, living your life intentionally and not by accident. Sometimes it is a matter of peeling back several layers to really get to the root of who you are, and what is it you are meant to do, a few questions for you to ponder;

What do you stand for?
Who were you then?
Who are you now
What does being your authentic self mean?
Where is the pain you can ease?
What are you hungry for?
What is stopping you?
What are the teachings you are called to do?

Many people feel stuck in their life, and want change. Think about these questions, if you answer these questions, perhaps your Life Purpose will start to present itself.

If you would like to dig a little deeper, contact me and we can work together in partnership on self discovery, and exploring your possibilities, anything is possible!

Until then, take care and have a great day!

Much Love...

Warmest Regards,

Shelley Harris, CPCC
Certified Professional Co-Active Coach

Personal Best Life Coaching Services
Renee Trudeau Associate & Facilitator
Brampton, Ontario

Bus: 905-452-9506
Cell: 647-283-5847

Email: sharris0569@rogers.com or


The path to your journey is one step at a time...

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Next Chapter...Joining Renee Trudeau & Associates

Hey Everyone,

I would like to share some exciting news, I've recently joined Renee Trudeau and Associates (RTA), as a Facilitator and an Associate. I researched many organizations trying to find one that is aligned with my ideas and visions. When I received an email from Renee Trudeau's team with information regarding RTA organization I was very excited to jump on board.

I am co-ordinating a Self Renewal Group for Mom's, in the Brampton, Ontario, Canada area, and/or if you have a group of 8 to 10 women, I can come to you as well (In the GTA, or Southwestern Ontario area). The group will empower, support and inspire women and their families to define and create the lives they desire, experience greater life balance and enhance overall physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. 

Often us Mom's get lost along the way, life gets ahead of us, and we lose who we once were. With the support from a Certified Life Balance Coach (myself), and a group of like minded women it will be empowering workshops where it will allow you to reconnect with who you are. This is a 6 month workshop where we will be meeting monthly. Currently I am researching locations, dates and times that would be suitable for most women. Thursday evenings or Sunday evenings generally tend to be the best time to conduct workshops, and the group will begin in mid to end of September.

Each month there will be a new theme where we discuss, journal, and reflect. It is a fantastic community of like-minded people who are setting time aside to do something for themselves. Are you willing to give yourself one of the most important gifts of all...YOU? The greatest gift you could give yourself and your family is participating in something that is so important, and that something is you. "Self-Care is not about self-indulgence, it is about self-preservation" Audre Lord

The program is based on "The Mother's Guide to Self Renewal" by Nationally recognized Career and Life Balance Coach/Author Renee Trudeau. 

***By joining you will***

- Receive a copy of "The Mother's Guide to Self Renewal"
- 2 Individual coaching session by a Certified Life Balanced Coach ~ Shelley Harris
- 12 workshops (2.5 hours for each workshop)
- Support in between workshops via email, or phone call

Price $225.00

Please share with friends and families...

Warmest Regards,

Shelley Harris, CPCC
Certified Professional Co-Active Coach

Personal Best Life Coaching
Brampton, Ontario

Bus: 905-452-9506
Cell: 647-283-5847

Email: sharris0569@rogers.com or


The path to your journey is one step at a time...