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Saturday, January 19, 2013

My thoughts - Lance Armstrong


Anticipation, Curiosity, Expectation, Open, Honesty, Integrity....

OPRAH Nailed this interview. Great research, great questions, excellent job Harpo staff!

Twitter was a buzz, Facebook was a buzz, news channels around the world were a buzz, sports associations were a buzz, and sponsers were a buzz.

What is all the chatter about? Unless you have been under a rock, you probably know what I am talking about. Lance Armstrong and Oprah Winfrey sat down together this past week and had an in depth interview about his doping scandal. The world anticipated the unknown, would he come out and admit to doping, or would he not!? My feeling was that he was ready to open up with the truth. 

For the past two days, I've sat there and watch Twitter, and Facebook blow up surrounding the interview. It was interesting to see everyone's opinions and thoughts. There were some comments that I agreed with wholeheartedly and there were others that were just down right mean. There was definitely a mix of believers and non-believers. 

My initial opinion on Part 1 of the interview was disappointment, he came off as a narcissistic arrogant guy, who had a sense of entitlement. I wanted to see remorse, sadness, humility, and honesty. I felt he was holding back. But through the entire 1st interview I kept searching for something to grab onto but I didn't see it. When I was tweeting with others, I had mixed emotions, a few of my tweets were;

"Although I do not agree about the previous lies, I appreciate and respect your truth now" @lancearmstrong #OWNTV @Oprah"

"@Oprah I do think there is some questions that could have been answered more clearly, I want to believe in him." 

@Oprah People make mistakes, sometimes huge mistakes, but who r we as human beings if we can't forgive? #OWNTV

(After Part 2)

"@SheriSalata That is what I was looking for yesterday, I wanted to be open & sympathetic but after his demeanor it was difficult #OWNTV"

"Seeing some emotion now, #Livestrong was like his 6th baby #OWNTV

I was more satisfied with his answers in Part 2 of the interview, he seemed more sincere and remorseful to his family. I needed to see emotional defeat. He needs to carry the emotion that he had about his family throughout this whole up and coming process. As Oprah exclaimed, "The Truth Will Set You Free".

My closing statements...Lance you did not do anything to me, so for that there is no need to apologize. It is within yourself, please find the strength and courage to stand in your truth, you need it, and your kids need it. You defied the odds with your cancer, and you beat it, you've had challenges before, and you overcame them. I want to honor you for having the courage to be ready to work through this process.  

P.S. Lance just in case you do read this blog....

This is a long shot, but, I am involved with #ItTakes2, a Not-For-Profit organization for Youth Leadership. I would like to invite you to ride with us across Canada for youth at risk. We give teens a chance to change their story and triumph over all adversities. I welcome and invite you, come change your story with us. Let's Go, Up and Onward!

Check out our trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnvuT832U5Y

Thanks for stopping by...Much Love Shelley xo


Sunday, January 13, 2013

How To Stay Positive In The World We Live In Today

This is the article I wrote for Alwayz Therro Magazine

My name is Shelley Harris, a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, Mentor, Publicist and an OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) Ambassador. I live just outside of Toronto, Canada and I recently returned home from California. I attended the OYOU Conference in Los Angeles, and had Breakfast with Devon Franklin, Private Lunch with Oprah Winfrey, and attended an after party with Iyanla VanZant. The greatest lessons were learned from the greatest teachers. Each one had a profound impact on my life. Oprah called the OWN Ambassadors “Carriers Of Light”.

BUT...Life wasn’t always easy, I came from a place of sadness and trauma. As a child I was forced to live in victim mode, but over the years I knew I was more then my story. Throughout my life I continued to make the right choices, and decisions. I knew I was in control of my life and actions, it was up to me to shape my destiny, and create a new story. Even as a child, I remember forcing my parents to take me to church to be baptized. One of my saviors was throwing myself into sports and volunteering. These were my choices, and that is how I stayed true to myself. Just because a certain life has been dictated to you, it is up to you to choose your path.

Here are 10 ways to keep positive in the hard world we live in.
  1. The words you give life to good or bad will come to light. If your recordings in your head are of positive nature, you will have a positive outcome. If your thoughts are negative you need to change the channel in your mind. 
  2. Stay in a positive mindset, re-play the good in your life. Whether it was Grandma’s fresh cookies, a promotion, or in my case a private lunch with Oprah Winfrey, play it over and over until the negative thoughts leave your head. 
  3.  Do a people check, look at the people in your life, if the people you have in your life are not a positive influence you need to separate yourself. Surround yourself with positive people. 
  4. If you don’t like something change it, if you can’t change it, then change the way you think about it
  5. Appreciate and Be Grateful
  6. Keep your DREAMS Alive 
  7.  Laugh, Laugh, and Laugh , Belly laughs are the best -  For me personally at times, I use laughing as a coping mechanism 
  8.  Have a strong belief system - Your values & faith
  9. Think of Your Health 
  10. Saying No Graciously
My purpose in life is to be of service to people. Whether you are looking for support or resource feel free to contact me. Going through transitions in your life can be very challenging, use my top 10 tips to maintain control and positivity. Send me a line let me know about the positive changes in your life.

Stand In Your Light,

Shelley Harris, CPCC
OWN Ambassador

Twitter: mobile_mentor
Email: shelley@personalbestlifecoaching.net
Web: http://www.personalbestlifecoaching.net/
Blog: http://pblcservices.blogspot.ca/

"Work, love & play are the great balance of our being"

Friday, January 11, 2013

Life Story Project-OWN Canada

 I recently had the pleasure to attend the viewing party for the Life Story Project with the OWN Ambassadors at Corus Entertainment in Toronto Ontario. My first thought after watching the episodes were wow, they have a hit here, can't wait for next week! The concept of the show allows people to share their stories with two open and compassionate hosts Andrea Syrtash & Dale Curd. The premise for the show is, a big purple couch set in the city. Random people will come by or be asked to sit and tell their stories. Even though it was the city, the setting felt intimate and safe. It was evident the guests felt comfortable, Andrea, and Dale really connected with their guests and offered such a courageous "space". 

Some of the moments that captivated me were, the lady who lost her husband to cancer, what a beautiful love story. Or the couple who granted their son's last dying wish and allowed him to have a dog, and the people who found love or lost love. They are all true stories told by the people who lived the life. True Stories, real people with raw emotions. I resonated with several of the stories, it brought the real in reality.

As a Life Coach, I look at people and wonder about their stories, I guess it is my love for asking questions and being curious. Have you ever looked at the person next to you and thought, "I wonder what their life experiences are"? Life Story Project is a great social experiment that shows just what you can learn by being there and being present.

I was asked if I would ever sit on the purple couch and share my stories, and my answer would be a definite yes, how about you!?  

The Life Story Project airs Wednesday night at 9:00 pm on the OWN Canada Network. Be sure to watch! For more info check out Facebook 

Thanks for stopping by...


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Year In Review 2012


I am sure for all of you there has been some kind of changes this year within your life. Some may have been big, and some may have been small, but whatever the changes were probably made some sort of impact in your life. So let's talk about 2012 in review. Lots of things happened to me this year.

Let me explain...

Last year started off as every other year, boring, disliked my job, and very unhappy. Those were just a few of the emotions I was feeling. I would get up in the morning, and just say to myself "Shelley, just put on a happy face, and everything will be alright." So that is what I did. Each day got harder and harder, I would go to the bathroom at my workplace, and cry, God why are you so mean. I have these wonderful "gifts", I work hard, I am a good person, etc... but you won't let me go anywhere else but here. I could never understand up until 6 months ago, but I get it now. Life is not on my schedule, it is on God's schedule.

In April I attended Lifeclass with Oprah in Toronto, it was simply amazing, in addition I met so many new friends, I felt I was right where I needed to be. I also had the pleasure to listen and learn from  Bishop T.D. Jakes, Deepak Chopra, Iyanla Vanzant, Tony Robbins, and of course Oprah. These were great lessons, the biggest take away was discovering that I was standing in my way, and the needing to change my story. Since then I have embraced the changes in my life, and acknowledged all the goodness that is happening.

May was the most emotional month. I had to have surgery, my son had a serious head injury, my mother overdosed and was in the hospital for a period of time, and my brother was very sick. All within a couple of weeks of one another. I stayed strong and we got past it. With the sad stuff came some real fabulous stuff as well. While I was off on my "sick" leave after surgery, my work closed down, and I was offered a permanent lay-off.  I was not sad, I was so happy, actually ecstatic was more like it. This was fantastic news, because this was my ticket out of there.

Once I received the news of my lay-off, I was on the move to find my place in this world. In spring I was invited to be an OWN Ambassador for the Oprah Winfrey Network. This has been one of the greatest gifts of my life. I finally realized where I belong. I am now in a community of like minded people who want to be of service to people and make a difference in the world. Since being home I started praying each day, and I noticed really great things started happening. I knew I was onto something here. Living a good life, and praying each day started bringing me so much happiness and joy.

This was one of the best summers, I spent good quality time with my family, camping, and visiting family in Newfoundland. The great things kept coming, the OWN Ambassadors decided to attend OYOU Conference in October, their was approx 30 of us that traveled to California. Some Ambassadors stayed a few days, and a few of us stayed a week. It was THEE most amazing vacation/trip I've ever had in my life. One of the greatest blessings was having a private lunch with Oprah. She invited the 30 of us to a beautiful lunch, and spent time speaking with us, and interacting with us. She called us "The Carriers of Light". I am so honored to be a part of the OWN Ambassadors.

When we were in California we were scheduled for several events around L.A. Such as Sony Entertainment, All Saints Church in Pasadena, OWN Ambassador Meet & Greet at the Yard House, After Party (with Iyanla Vanzant) in West Hollywood, and Lunch with Oprah. It was exciting, to be recognized as an OWN Ambassador, I was so proud. One day we spent in Santa Monica, and while I was on the pier in Santa Monica, I was invited to speak with the host for a Wal-Mart Communities commercial. Can't wait to see it. I also loved having conversations with so many wonderful people, Iyanla, DeVon, Oprah, Maya, OWN Ambassadors, and Rev Ed Bacon. One of the conversations that sticks out for me is the one I had with DeVon Franklin, he said his wife (Meagan Good) and himself enjoyed my blogs and for me to keep writing. He has been such a great source of inspiration and support.

In addition, the Canadian OWN Ambassadors have been invited to attend viewing and launch parties for programs that are on OWN Canada. It is always great when we can get together. The people at OWN Canada and Corus Entertainment have been so welcoming to all of us. We were also invited to the Super Soul Sunday viewing party with Mastin Kipp from The Daily Love, what a great venue that was! I really appreciate being a part of such a great network of people.

When I came home from California, I was yearning for something, I knew I had to put myself out there. I've been watching my friend Derrick Shirley's journey this past several months, and knew I wanted to get involved with his organization "It Takes 2". Having a private lunch with Oprah made me realize I was destined for bigger things. So I sucked up my ego, and put myself out there, and after a great discussion with Derrick, I am now the publicist for him and "It Takes 2". Life is Good! I love Oprah's quote "You know you are on the road to success if you would do your job, and not be paid for it".

In the fall of 2012, I was asked to write an article for Alwayz Therro, a magazine based out of New York, and is about American Culture, Style, Fashion, Music and Lifestyle. The article I wrote was "How do you stay positive in the world we live in today", December's edition, http://www.alwayztherro.com/december2012/index.html (Page 27).

In closing....When I completed my Coaching designation, I knew there was bigger plans for me, and each day I feel it more and more. One of my greatest legacies would be, to push, and persevere, never give up. I hope I've shown my kids, friends and family by pushing through great things will happen...All you have to do is believe and dream big!

Thanks for stopping by, much love xo 


P.S. Just as I was finishing up this blog, I received an email alert, guess what it was...A follow from Oprah herself on Twitter...Talk about a Joy Rising moment!

Venice Beach

Rev Ed Bacon

Iyanla VanZant

DeVon Franklin