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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Love, Life and Ambition

Happy Holidays Everyone,

I opened my computer, went to my Blog and stared at a blank template, thinking about what to write. I like to write and keep in touch with everyone at least once a month. This month is different, Normally what I write just flows, but today, I am needing to pick my brain, and reflect a bit. Before I get to the next paragraph I will have come up with the context. I haven't put a title on this entry as yet when I figure out what I am going to write then I will title this entry.

What comes to my mind first is the sadness we are feeling with my Mother-in-law's (MIL) return trip back to Newfoundland where she lives. There are alot of people who may beg to differ with me, or may agree with me, you hear horror stories about people and their in-laws. I am blessed with my MIL, and my husbands uncle (he is like a father to him) they are such a wonderful people, with beautiful souls.

My parents weren't really in my life. I was forced to grow up early, and not really have a childhood. I appreciate my husbands family so much. I never knew what a true family was until I met my husband. It is unconditional love, and it's what I dreamt about my whole life. As I've wrote in previous entries, I just wanted to be part of a family, and now I truly feel it. Wishing distance didn't have to be between us all.

The holidays are upon us now, and it is time to reflect on what family means. When it comes to my immediate family, I cherish each and everyday I have with them, it is about changing the past and creating a new future and changing the cycle that once was. I look at my kids now and think how lucky I am to have such great kids. Sure there are typical day to day teenage stuff, but overall they have a good outlook on life. I feel the love from my kids and husband, and that to me is golden. Never let a day go by where you don't tell you spouse and kids you love them. 

What I appreciate the most, is the support from my family. The other day I came home and I received an email from the Ministry of Education with the request for an interview for a Support Analyst. I was so excited. I knew with the support from friends and family that I could do well. The best was hearing my kids say how proud they are of me, and a little grin to let me know how much they care.

The interview consisted of a presentation, written test, and an interview, so I normally have no issues, I feel comfortable in interviews, but for some reason I felt a little less confident on this one. I started thinking okay, I need to get a few things set up here so I can be successful at the interview. I asked for the support from friends and family, and asked for a couple days from my husband to step up where I can't so I can focus and prepare for the presentation/interview, with no questions asked he did (he is great that way). 

So the interview went well I do feel good about it, although I know there are several candidates, so now it's the waiting game. People who know me, know my passion, I've always wanted to be employed in the school system, and this would be a win win, I get to be in the environment of the schools, and I also get to coach/train which is right where I want to be. 

I reflect back to when I started this journey, and wondered where it will take me, I knew my dreams and goals were achievable. So I have been going through the motions for the past 3 + years and I can definitely say I am on the right track. I know I don't have the position yet, but the point is I had an interview and 3 years ago, it was just a dream, and now it might just happen...

Never stop dreaming...Never stop believing...Never stop Loving!!

I think I can title my blog now :D

Much Love to you all xoxo

Seasons Greetings,

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Be In The Moment...Be Present

Hi All,

Stop! Be In The Moment...Be Present

Day to day we get up, get the kids ready, drop them off at the sitter, go to work, come home, rush around, pick up the kids from school, prepare dinner, homework, bath time, check emails, taxi driver, extracurricular activities, chill time, etc etc etc... That pretty much is a typical day for alot of people, I know it is for me. In the daily list of things to do, no where does it mention take time out for you, or to slow down. If you have a typical day, are you taking time out for yourself? Often mothers and/or fathers will conduct their day to day business, on no sleep, not enough time, and not eating properly. It really seems as if we live our lives in a robotic state.

Looking at your conscious vs your unconscious mind...The conscious mind is the part of your mind that is responsible for logic and reasoning, so for example if I asked you what 
2 + 2 is, you are aware and conscious of what I am asking you, if you wanted to pick up your coffee, and have a sip, you are conscious of what your actions are. The unconscious mind is the part of your mind responsible for all of your involuntary actions. Have you ever drove to work, and upon your arrival said "I don't even remember the drive here" it was almost like your car drove in auto pilot, you were in a unconscious state of mind. 

Consciousness is important when you want to be in the now, it takes focus, awareness, and discipline to be in the moment. How much of your thoughts and emotional energy is spent on either the past or the future? Once you realize how much of your time and energy is involved in something other than the moment, and once you realize that what you think and feel is entirely up to you, you will have the key to being in the moment. Being in the moment is a state of awareness in which you do not think or feel anything, or about anything. Attention is focused on your presence, or being, and you are completely aware of your body, all sensations of your body, surroundings, emotional state, and mental state, all without any thought or emotions about it at all. 

When I read about the conscious vs your unconscious state of mind a couple of things come up for me, first, that I struggle to be in the moment with my kids sometimes, and I live my life in an unconscious state more then I would like to. Today I saw a program about a stay at home mom Andrea, who took her kids health and well being for granted, and just couldn't be present for her kids, she was almost angry being home. She decided to travel to another home, Stephanie a plane crash survivor and a mother of 5. With the severity of Stephanie's burns she was kept in a medically induced coma for 3 mths while she was healing, 80 percent of her body was burned. Once she was released from the hospital, they showed her day to day struggles, where she had to put on protective gloves to help heal her skin, constant surgeries, 5 small children to tend to, and constant pain. Although she has her struggles, she lives in the present moment with her family, she realizes how close she was to having her life cut short. It really opened Andrea's eyes and is now making a conscious effort to be in the moment with her children. Here are a couple of links to a very inspirational individual, she helped me realize that I need to also be more in the moment. 

http://www.oprah.com/relationships/Blogger-Stephanie-Nielsons-Daily-Struggles-Video ~ http://nieniedialogues.blogspot.com/

What will you do to be in the moment?
What will you do to slow down?
What will you do to take time out for yourself?

Looking forward to your responses

Slow Down....Be Present

Much Love,

Saturday, October 15, 2011

"Time to Take Five"

Hi All,

What do you do to take time for yourself? I would love to hear some feedback on what you do for yourself, feel free to respond to this post.

Lately I have been feeling like it was time to "Take Five", as a Certified Life Coach, I encourage, support  and challenge my clients to take time for themselves. So, I decided to take some time and head to my friends Amit and Rita Yoga/Meditation retreat in Picton.  When I received an invitation to participate in the retreat at the Still Point Yoga B & B, I was excited but a little curious. I had a great time in India this past spring with Amit and Rita, so I was guessing it was going to be a great time again. Let me tell you, I was not disappointed, what a inspirational weekend.

For someone like me who is new to Yoga, I felt so comfortable with Rita's Yoga style, she was gentle and calming, she teaches with such grace and kindness. I feel there is no judgement, and her guidance makes you want to do more. I really enjoyed Hatha Yoga, and upon my arrival home I am now researching Yoga programs closer to my home. Yoga is not only movement, it is giving back, as a Certified Professional Life Coach I offered my services as a Karma Yoga, and I was happy people took me up on my offerings.

The weekend was packed with some great programs and exercises, Amit handle the ManaTeet Meditation, and Tattwa Shuddhi Kriya. Again being new to this way of life is very interesting to me. The places Amit takes you are so good for your mind, body and spirit, I gained so much insight with the meditation exercises he conducted. One exercise in particular was to just let go and make what ever sound you wanted soft, loud, and really loud. I couldn't understand why we were doing it, but I have to tell you it felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. Each day stress builds up, and as mothers we carry the weight on our shoulders, and it really just felt like a great release.

*ManaTeet Meditation(MT): Normally our mind stays in the past with regression or in future with deems, that is why we lose the joy of present. ManaTeet Meditation (MT) is a way to be in the present. The final achievement is the path to go beyond the mind (thought`s fluctuation). Def.: Mana (Sanskrit) thoughts, fluctuation of mind.    Def.: A-Teet (Sanskrit) beyond.

*Tattwa Shuddhi Kriya: An ancient traditional Yogic Practice (Kriya) to purify the 5-Elements and awaken your Chakras to balance your body, mind and soul.

I challenge you all to take time for yourself, be present, be inspired and be in the moment.

If you would like to participate in Rita/Yogi Amitram retreat or programs you can reach them at Rei of Light Yoga,  http://www.reioflight.net/

Until then...


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Home Is Where The Family Is...The Longing To Belong

Hi All,

It has been almost 2 months since I last wrote, and I have alot on my mind these days, so time to pick up my laptop and start writing!?

We recently returned home from our annual trip to Bonavista Newfoundland. For those who don't know, it is my husbands home town, he was born and raised in Newfoundland, and spent his childhood in Bonavista, he left when he was 19 years old. Bonavista is approx 300 kms east of St. John's, with a population of approx 4000 people. It is a beautiful, quaint town with the friendliest people I have ever met.

I look forward every year going to Bonavista, we normally start looking for flights around Christmas for the following summer with Air Canada, or West Jet. This year I booked our seats in May,  Kevin started a new job and was not sure if he was able to take time off, but thankfully he was.  We were super excited, as soon as he was approved for vacation, we booked. Normally we go last 2 weeks of July, or last week of July, first week of August. This year we decided to go a little later and took the last 2 weeks of August. I enjoyed going down at that time, we were there for Kevin's birthday, and came back on my birthday, so it was nice to be there and celebrate with such amazing family. The only thing going at that time, is we missed the caplan, whales, and iceberg's, but that is okay, I've seen them many times.

This was my 7th year going, and I still love it, just like it was the first time I went. Each year we go, it becomes harder to leave. They are the most loving, and giving people I have ever met. It could be the hugs, smiles, the little gifts they give, or just coming by to say hello, it all means more to me then anyone will ever know. One thing I can say when I go to Bonavista Newfoundland is the feeling of unconditional love. It doesn't matter who I am, where I came from, what I have, or what I don't have, I feel their love from the heart,  they would do anything for you!

I know we all have stories to tell, good, bad, and indifferent. Growing up in London, Ontario I was surrounded by friends, and family, but never felt like I really belonged anywhere. I mean I know my parents and brothers loved me, but I never felt like it was enough. My parents fought alot, and never really had time for us kids. My brothers and I kind of got lost along the way.

I knew once I had kids I was going to raise them different and break the cycle from the life I lived. Not hearing I Love You as a child, definitely plays on you as an adult. I have come to terms with the type of love my parents show me, and have accepted it. It is all about forgiveness as I get older, I start to realize my parents did the best they could with what they had. I've always lived my life for everyone but me, I recently in the last couple of years have done some major things for myself, for example getting my Coaching designation, and then this year going to India. It felt great to take take out time for me, and it really made me understand who I am, and what it is I am meant to do. For the past several months I've been feeling pulled. Emotionally, physically and spiritually, and I am trying to understand what my body is saying.

Then I think about my relationship with Ryan and Brianna, and the need for me to be here for them. I love my kids with all my heart, but struggle because my heart is back in Bonavista. If I move I try to ration by thinking Ryan will be in College/University next year, and Brianna will be done highschool in a couple of years, so I sit here trying to figure out what the right answer is. They have a wonderful father who I admire and would support whatever decision we made.

Kevin's Uncle Bert is like a father, and he is getting older (late 70's), and we both want him to have some good years with Kayla. It is so heart warming when you see him with Kayla, it was like she was his own. He is an incredible man, with the biggest heart, just like Kevin's mother, she is the best Mother-in-Law, and I am so blessed to have them both in my life. Of course I could go on about Kevin's extended family as well.

With all this thinking, I decided to apply for a for a couple of positions in Bonavista, and will let fate bring me to the answer.

Thanks for stopping by...Talk Soon

Much Love xoxo

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Visioning My Life Purpose

Hi All,

What is your Life Purpose, how much time have you really spent envisioning your Life Purpose? People ask how do I know? It can come in a couple of ways, it can be that gut feeling, like you were put on this earth to do something, or it feels like some sort of calling. Even from when you were a child saying, when I "grow up" I want to be                      .  How many of you followed through with your dreams? I always said I was going to be a hairdresser and follow in my families footsteps, I had the knack and it was in my blood, however I chose my other life long dream/passion of helping people and never waivered. I've lived my life based on what I want to do for others in my future.

As young as I can remember I felt the need to encourage people to be happy, and make the right choices and/or decisions in life. Growing up my mission was to help/protect kids, make them feel equal, make them feel safe. My home-life was questionable at best, not always a positive environment, it really pushed me to be a better person, and not judge anyone on who they are or their situation. People look at me as being a happy person, and because of the choices/decisions I've made I am.

Everyone is born with a Life Purpose, but some people never look for it so it remains unknown, it is that hidden gift we all have, you have the answers you just need to search yourself for what those answers are, listen to your calling, it has a story to tell.

The legacy I want to leave behind, is that I lived my life intentionally, I lived it with purpose and captured what it was like to be fully alive. Your life purpose is about using your learnings, experience, and wisdom, living your life intentionally and not by accident. Sometimes it is a matter of peeling back several layers to really get to the root of who you are, and what is it you are meant to do, a few questions for you to ponder;

What do you stand for?
Who were you then?
Who are you now
What does being your authentic self mean?
Where is the pain you can ease?
What are you hungry for?
What is stopping you?
What are the teachings you are called to do?

Many people feel stuck in their life, and want change. Think about these questions, if you answer these questions, perhaps your Life Purpose will start to present itself.

If you would like to dig a little deeper, contact me and we can work together in partnership on self discovery, and exploring your possibilities, anything is possible!

Until then, take care and have a great day!

Much Love...

Warmest Regards,

Shelley Harris, CPCC
Certified Professional Co-Active Coach

Personal Best Life Coaching Services
Renee Trudeau Associate & Facilitator
Brampton, Ontario

Bus: 905-452-9506
Cell: 647-283-5847

Email: sharris0569@rogers.com or


The path to your journey is one step at a time...

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Next Chapter...Joining Renee Trudeau & Associates

Hey Everyone,

I would like to share some exciting news, I've recently joined Renee Trudeau and Associates (RTA), as a Facilitator and an Associate. I researched many organizations trying to find one that is aligned with my ideas and visions. When I received an email from Renee Trudeau's team with information regarding RTA organization I was very excited to jump on board.

I am co-ordinating a Self Renewal Group for Mom's, in the Brampton, Ontario, Canada area, and/or if you have a group of 8 to 10 women, I can come to you as well (In the GTA, or Southwestern Ontario area). The group will empower, support and inspire women and their families to define and create the lives they desire, experience greater life balance and enhance overall physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. 

Often us Mom's get lost along the way, life gets ahead of us, and we lose who we once were. With the support from a Certified Life Balance Coach (myself), and a group of like minded women it will be empowering workshops where it will allow you to reconnect with who you are. This is a 6 month workshop where we will be meeting monthly. Currently I am researching locations, dates and times that would be suitable for most women. Thursday evenings or Sunday evenings generally tend to be the best time to conduct workshops, and the group will begin in mid to end of September.

Each month there will be a new theme where we discuss, journal, and reflect. It is a fantastic community of like-minded people who are setting time aside to do something for themselves. Are you willing to give yourself one of the most important gifts of all...YOU? The greatest gift you could give yourself and your family is participating in something that is so important, and that something is you. "Self-Care is not about self-indulgence, it is about self-preservation" Audre Lord

The program is based on "The Mother's Guide to Self Renewal" by Nationally recognized Career and Life Balance Coach/Author Renee Trudeau. 

***By joining you will***

- Receive a copy of "The Mother's Guide to Self Renewal"
- 2 Individual coaching session by a Certified Life Balanced Coach ~ Shelley Harris
- 12 workshops (2.5 hours for each workshop)
- Support in between workshops via email, or phone call

Price $225.00

Please share with friends and families...

Warmest Regards,

Shelley Harris, CPCC
Certified Professional Co-Active Coach

Personal Best Life Coaching
Brampton, Ontario

Bus: 905-452-9506
Cell: 647-283-5847

Email: sharris0569@rogers.com or


The path to your journey is one step at a time...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Focus Is...Focus Does

Hey All,

It has been a about a month since I last blogged, I do intend to continue with my journey to India, but I felt as though I had to blog a little bit about the way I am feeling right now. 

It is now May 26th, and I have been back from India for 2 months, it is hard to believe it was that long ago, it seems like a life time ago. While I was India I felt on top of the world, healthier then I had ever been, happier then I can ever remember (except for my wedding and the birth of my kids) and just all around healthy, happy and living life. Since being home I've been trying to maintain the same lifestyle by keeping active, and eating healthy, but it has been very difficult.  

I am a Certified Professional Coach, and I get people moving and setting goals, I push people out of their comfort zone, and strive on their growth. It is natural, it's my gift, and it is what I love to do. I know I do a great job, and I see success in each and every client. While in India I figured I would gain more insight, wisdom, spirituality, knowledge and focus. Although I gained most of what I was hoping, I lost my focus, and am finding it challenging to work on what is important. I am now re-evaluating what my priorities are, and re-focus on what is important. Coaching is important, it is my life, it is what I want to do, it is what I am meant to do.

As I mentioned, when I was India I gained in areas that I had hoped for, but feeling disappointed initially because I was struggling to focus on my business while I was there. I soon realized focusing on my Coaching Business was meant to be dealt with at home. I wasn't going to get stressed, I was meant to go there and be in the moment, and experience everything there was to experience, I did with no regrets!!

Since I've returned, I am now finding myself refocusing. Sometimes when you are so passionate about something and you don't feel things are falling into place, you have to step back and realign your goals and priorities. I use the following techniques when I find myself out of sorts, hope this helps you too.
  • Set your goals and priorities
  • Identify your passions and values
  • Improve your self-esteem
  • Make time for work, family, romance and just for you
  • Relax and enjoy your down time
  • Be decisive, authoritative and loving with your kids, and earn their respect
  • When you are with your child, be with your child, (nothing else should interfere) 
If any of you would like a sample session of Life Coaching with Shelley, please feel free to contact me for a free session. Also, if you have any connections working with teens, young adults, and families, please let me know. I have a long list of years working with teens and families and would love to continue doing what I love.

Thank You...Much Love

Monday, April 25, 2011

India Through My Eyes - 2nd stop Aurovalley Ashram

Hi All,

It's that time again where I sit down and start writing about the next chapter of my journey in India. In this segment I will talk about our stay at Aurovalley Ashram in Uttrakhand.

Aurovalley is located in the state of Uttrakhand, in the North part of India, between the sacred cities of Rishikesh and Haridwar, at the beginning of the Valley, where the Holy Ganges meets the plains. Aurovalley has its stretch of land at the foothills of the Himalayas, bordering the Shivalik forest, inside village Raiwala.

Once we left Rishikesh it was only about an hour or so to Aurovalley, it was a hectic drive, very small roads and laneways to this hidden sanctuary.  We eventually found the ashram, and when we pulled in we were greeted by absolute peace and quiet. The only thing you could hear were the sounds of birds chirping it was music to my ears and silence I was excited to observe. We hopped out of our tour bus, and I couldn't help but notice the vibrant colours of flowers, the gardening was gorgeous. The Mango trees were just starting to bloom, and other type of flowers were in bloom, it was a beautiful site.

A couple of volunteers showed us around, and took us to our rooms, I shared a room with Janice and Carol, it was a large room, it could actually sleep 7, but there was only the 3 of us sharing the room, so it wasn't too bad at all. The ladies were a treat to bunk with, I felt like I was traveling with the female version of Indiana Jones. You couldn't help listening to their stories and adventures, their wisdom and knowledge just about life was so endearing, they always made me feel safe and protected. The first day we arrived there, shortly after we got settled a little gecko made his appearance right beside my bed, and I was a little taken a back, and they settled me right down, and kept me at ease about everything. 

We stayed at Aurovalley for a few days, and it was a nice relaxing time. It was a beautiful place for meditation and yoga. Each morning they were conducting Yoga in the Yoga Hall, and Meditation was done in the Mediation Hall. The grounds were so large, each area had it's own building. The first day we arrived at Aurovalley, they had belly dancing in the Yoga Hall, and I thought why not try it. I went and was pleasantly surprised how easy I was able to follow. I normally don't have the greatest co-ordination, but I followed just fine and I really enjoyed it. Throughout the trip I was trying to get into a Meditative state but I was really struggling. I was clearly missing out on something, and I put in every effort to give it an honest try. Each day I headed to the Meditation Hall for silence, and then the session closes with Mantra's. It was a great moment, the second day I was able to get in a meditative state. I battle with an overactive mind and insomnia and I heard meditation is a great way to shut your brain off, and be in the moment. So once I was able to shut it all off, it was amazing, for the first time ever I did not have chatter brain.

The Meditation Hall

The founders of Aurovalley

The path to the Meditation Hall

The Yoga Hall

It was an open schedule, it was not mandatory that you attend the classes/sessions, it was optional. I attended a few Meditation Classes, Satsang, Karma Yoga (Giving Back) and the Belly Dancing. I didn't do the Yoga, it was so early in the morning, and I was feeling a little tired so I decided to pass on the Yoga classes. I would wake up in the morning head for breakfast with the group and then off to do my own thing. There were many areas on the grounds that you could hide away and do your thing. I liked heading to the swing with my IPOD and listening to my music, the one song I tended to listen to over and over again is by Celine Dion, "Because You Loved Me", that song really resonated with me, it is how I feel about my husband. He has been so incredibly supportive and encouraging, and I wouldn't be where I am today without him. There was another spot I liked to head to each day, the hammock, so there I would lie and listen to my music, reflect and appreciate my time alone. 

Oh how I loved the hammock

The sign that appeared right across from the hammock
Karma Yoga - Giving Back
The lumps on the tree, are bees nest (Bees were everywhere)

The swing I sat on daily to listen to my music and reflect
Above in one of the pictures you will see the bee hives hanging off the trees, these were the biggest bee hives I've ever seen, they were huge, and bees were everywhere. Anyone who knows me, knows my absolute terror of bees. At times you could see me running like a little school girl, At one point I looked up from the hammock I would lay in each day, and there were more massive bee hives, so needless to say I booked out of there real quick! Anyways, carrying on with my story LOL, we stayed here for a few days, and on the second day, children had been bused in from a neighbouring town for a field trip. You can see and hear the children playing, their sounds of laughter could be heard throughout the entire grounds, it was music to my ears. I would take a walk to the back of the grounds, and watch the children play on a few pieces of play equipment. Also,  in the play yard, they had the Ashrams cows there as well, they look at them as their pets, and are treated as such. I really enjoyed watching the simplicity of it all, and watched each child and wonder what kind of life they lived. Some of these children were from orphanages, and still look so happy. They looked over and smiled, no cares in the world, or at least it seemed. I just loved looking at their beautiful little faces. 

Also during the 2nd day, we sat in on a satsang, where people just asked questions, I was enlightened with the words from Swami Brahmdev. At times there were many questions, and at times we sat in silence. I found it interesting, questions were being asked that I wondered myself. After the satsang, our group was asked to go speak to Swami directly, and the question I asked was, "how do I find my spiritual direction, how do I know". His words were simple, just let it happen, when you are ready, it will happen. After Kevin (my husband) found his direction, I was hoping my trip to India would bring some clarity, but it didn't work that way, I now know it is a work in progress. I have to open my heart, and just let it happen, I am working towards my spirituality each day, and I know in time that I will allow myself to feel it. 

The group with Swami Brahmdev
 We said goodbye to Gino, and Franca they are leaving to do their own thing in other parts of India, it was great spending time with them, especially my little compadre Franca. Ever, Christian, and Gino flew to Delhi for a game of cricket, and the ladies stayed back and enjoyed the Ashram. Here we say goodbye, safe travels and we will catch you on the flip side. Great times in India March 2011!

Amit, Franca, Christian, Gino

The catch phrase for India 2011 "Paddle Forward Team" (Let's Go)

Next Stop...Tripura Ashram in Haridwar India....


Thursday, March 31, 2011

India Through My Eyes - 1st stop Rishikesh

Hey Everyone,

It was Wednesday March 2nd, 2011, I woke up full of anticipation, the time is finally here for my trip to India. I worked half a day, so I got up, got myself ready, I could already tell it was going to be a wonderful morning. I went in and woke Kayla up, it was time to get her ready for daycare. I kissed her and held her so tight, because I wasn't going to see her later, and I was already missing her, and I hadn't even left yet. I had said my good bye's to Ryan and Brianna the night before at dinner, we had a nice time out at one of our favourite restaurants. So once Kevin, myself and Kayla were ready, I dropped her off at daycare, and I had tears in my eyes, I don't think Kayla could understand how long Mommy was going for. I started feeling guilty, but with the support and encouragement from my husband I knew it was the right thing to do, he reassured me and I was comfortable knowing that Kayla was in great hands.

I finished work at 11 am and was getting ready to leave for my incredible journey to India. I said good bye to my co-workers, they offered me well wishes and safe travels. I grabbed my purse and coat and off I went. I walked out the doors and then this feeling came over me, and I knew when I return back to work I will be a different person.

I arrived home, had to get a few items together, weigh my suitcase and then go pick up my husband at work. I don't even remember the drive to my husband's work, I was in in such a daze. So once I picked him up, he hopped in and then drove me to the airport. I got out of the car, grabbed my suitcases and hugged my husband so hard, I thanked him over and over again for his support, and for holding down the fort. He wished me well, and said have a great time, and don't worry about anything.  I was so excited I was ready to jump and scream. After 41 years of my life I was going to figure out who I was. Shortly after I arrived at the airport, my friends showed up, and we went through check in, and then security. Once it was all said and done, we had a couple of hours of a wait until our flight.

It was time to board, and I was so excited, they called our rows to board so off I went, I found my seat, nestled in, and got comfortable. It was an 18 hour flight, we had a stopover in Belgium, Brussels at the half way point.  It was great we got off, stretched our legs, and headed for the transfer point, but before we loaded back onto the plane, we went by the store at the airport and bought some chocolate. It is now time reboard the plane, and finish the last leg of the flight to Delhi. We flew over so many countries it was very interesting all the countries you fly over. As the time was getting closer, the excitement was about ready to jump out of my chest. 

It is now roughly 11:30 pm,  Thursday night, we got off the plane, right away I could feel the heat, it was so warm. Quite a few people said I bet when you get off the plane it will smell, so when I got off I wasn't sure what to expect, I didn't smell anything, it was warm, and smoggy, but I didn't smell anything else. If anything, was just the smell of burning wood. We headed towards baggage claims waited for our luggage, once we had all our suitcases, we ventured out to find Amit, he was one of our leaders, he lives in India. Once we located him, it was hugs all around. Before we were going to jump in our taxi, I had to make a trip to the bathroom, so I go running, and what do I do, I ran right into the mens washroom, oh man how embarrassing lol.

The first night we were staying in Delhi, the hotel was older, but it served the purpose, Rita and I shared a room. I tried to sleep but because the sound of all the honking, jet leg, and excitement, I couldn't sleep much, I was able to doze off for a couple of hours. The alarm went off, and I sprung up ready to start the day. We had to be careful at no time can you drink the water, so even when brushing your teeth you have to use bottled or filtered water. We had breakfast, loaded up our tourist van, and then off for a 7 hour drive to Rishikesh. The driving was insane, cars were coming at you at every angle. I was amazed how the Indian drivers could maneuver around cars and obstacles, it was insane.

Throughout the drive I was absorbing, I was taking in everything from the poverty, to the people, to the livelihoods, and the culture. There was so much we seen driving the 7 hours to Rishikesh, but what was common wherever we went was that people were so fascinated by us. They wanted to take our pictures, they were pounding on our van, it was crazy, I felt like a celebrity, that is the only way I could explain it.  Although it was a long drive, I really enjoyed it, I could just sit there and observe, I never spoke much to anyone, and no really spoke much to me, and that was perfect I just wanted to be with my thoughts. When we were driving, I was saying to myself, wow one minute I am in Canada and the next minute I am India, I was beginning to live the dream, it all felt surreal.

As we approached Rishikesh, you could see this beautiful bridge called the Lakshman JhulaI. I was in awe of the beauty of the Ganga, and the Himalayan mountains, it was breathtaking, I've never seen anything like that before in my life. I was so excited to have 5 days here, once we past the town, we arrived at our first destination, The Rainforest House just outside of town. Our van pulled up to the path, we jumped out, and I couldn't wait to take a look around. At the top of the path, there were 2 donkeys who were just chilling,  it was almost like they were there to greet us. So we started venturing down the path, it was about 100 yards straight down a steep hill. Once we got down to the bottom of the hill you could feel the calming energy of the grounds. I said to myself, I just walked into heaven, it really felt as though all my stress and problems just totally lifted from my shoulders. Once everyone got down the hill, we were escorted to our rooms. When they took me to my room and told me I was going to have my own room I was so ecstatic, the best part of the trip was having the time to myself, I appreciated it more then anything. They showed me where I was staying, and it was amazing, I was literally right beside a waterfall, it was so soothing, I had so many issues sleeping before I left, and once I arrived there, sleeping was never an issue. Here are a few pictures of my room, it was simple it was just perfect for me.

The Waterfall Right Beside My Room
The Rainforest House

The path to The Rainforest House
The 5 days we spent here at the Rainforest House were some of the most amazing times in my life. We swam in the Ganga, we watched beautiful sunsets and sunrises, we went white water rafting, yoga, meditation, hiked the Neer Waterfall Mountain, fed the monks, went to a beautiful aarti celebration, it was all so incredible. Staying at The Rainforest House in Rishikesh was my favourtie. It was amazing right in front of the waterfall was a bench, I sat there each day and journaled, it was perfect for collecting your thoughts. Each morning we started out with Meditation, then Yoga, it was a great way to start the day. As each day passed, I would wake up happy and excited to see what the day would bring me. It was so nice to be taking time out for me. Each day I would reflect on what I have done thus far, and really embraced the changes I was feeling. 

Above I mentioned that we climbed the Neer Waterfall Mountain, this was challenging for me for many reasons. I wasn't physically in the best shape but I wanted to experience India in the fullest, so I thought, I am going to give it a go, and take my time. I believe it is around 5000 ft above sea level, so it was quite the hike. At times it was very steep, and a ton of stairs. I was fine initially, but around half way I couldn't do it anymore, I was really struggling. Some of my group stayed back with me, and some of them carried on. I felt as though I was holding my team back, so I chug some water, took a deep breath and said lets go. I was doing okay, and then around 3/4 of the way up, I said I am done. I told my team to go on, and they said are you sure, and I said yes, I can't do it. So after me finally convincing them it was okay to leave me, they carried on. I sat there for about 15 mins, and I was eying the stairs, it was steep, I was so exhausted. I sat there and prayed, and said to myself, I have come so far, and I want to see the waterfall, I am not going to come this far and not see it.

So I took a deep breath, and I pushed myself like I've never done before. I felt as though I was being lifted up by a cloud, I said okay lets kick this into high gear and lets go. Being a life coach, my job is to push my clients so I said to myself, how can I push my clients if I can't push myself. So I climbed and climbed what seemed to be forever, and I see this bridge just ahead, and I was like omg I am almost there. A few more steps, and I see all of my group. I literally dropped to my knees and thanked god for helping me through this difficult task. I shed a few happy tears, I accomplished the hike, and was thrilled. I jumped in to the waterfall, clothes and all, it was so amazing, it really helped cool down for the 36 degree weather we were having.


Later that day, we all decided to go white water rafting, I had the time of my life. I've always wanted to go but never did. How cool is it to say I went white water rafting on the Ganga in India, pretty freakin cool I think. It was almost a 14 km stretch, and it was one of my favourite to do's on the trip. We all had so much fun, and really worked together to get through the 14 km's. There were funny moments, because Amit was at the front paddling, and I was behind him, they are suppose to have the strong paddlers up front. Well Amit was on his own schedule, he wasn't listening to the commands, and then would be off kilter with us...and all you could hear Amit say was PADDLE FORWARD TEAM, but yet you look at him and he is not paddling. It was definitely one of those "You had to be there moments". Either way it was an awesome day, and we all had a blast. We had the times of our lives, but soon it was time to move on.

Once the last day came upon us, I was sad to leave, but yet excited to venture to the next stop on our adventure.

Next stop...Aurovalley Ashram/Hardiwar

I've decided to blog in segments, there is just so much information...To be continued....

A few more pics of my time in Rishikesh

Namaste All <3

Feeding the Monks in Rishikesh

Aarti celebration on the Ganga in Rishikesh