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Monday, August 13, 2012

In Loving Memory ~ Dedicated to Kyle Miotto

Kyle Miotto - His family were coming back from vacation in PEI, and while driving home they were traveling through New Brunswick on July 28th, 2012 when the horrific accident happened, the family had sustained injuries, and Kyle was seriously injured. On Aug 6th, 2012 he succumb to his injuries, and past away with his family by his side. They feel blessed to have had the memories while being together on vacation. Kyle's last days were spent doing what he loved to do, spending time with family, fishing and having a ton of fun.

As I sat in Islington United Church in Toronto today, I was reflecting on life with my children. I drove Ryan and his friends to Kyle's funeral, Kyle was one Ryan's closest friends. I never knew him well, he had been to my place a couple of times, and I spoke to him briefly, Kyle spent more time at my son's Dad's house. When the boys walked in my home, I introduced myself to them, and and off they went downstairs to play video games. Shortly after, they would leave, and I said bye Kyle, it was nice to meet you, see you again. I never realized that I would never see him again. What struck out to me was his big smile, and his pleasant demeanor.

The church had so many people, there was not an empty seat, it was so full, we sat upstairs and watched from above. What stood out to me, was the love by so many people. As I looked around, I could see many tears shed, thinking what memories do they have of Kyle. I looked at my son, and I could see he was having a hard time, this was his first funeral. How sad, the first funeral he had to attend was one of his greatest friends. It was very difficult to look around and see all the sadness, but yet it was beautiful because you could just feel so much love. Listening to the stories of Kyle warmed my heart, I feel like I got to really know Kyle today, and to know he was a friend and a part of Ryan's life was a great feeling. These are the kids you want your kids to be friends with.

When Kyle's aunt read his eulogy, I was crying with sadness, but laughing at their humour, some stories were very funny, and I appreciated hearing the stories. The family is close, and it was apparent, the family members were handing kleenex's to each other, leaving one's seat to comfort someone in another seat, hugging another's child, there was so much love, and you could feel it. Looking around there was not a dry eye, including mine.

When a family member spoke on behalf of Kyle's mother, she described how her relationship was with her son, it sounded beautiful, she was his best friend, he was not like a typical teenager, he communicated with his mom, and they had a very open relationship. One of the stories they shared was, one day Lynda (his mother) went to the patio, and asked Kyle, are you writing a new song, and he said no I am writing 15 Commandments to live by. Kyle was an aspiring musician, who loved playing the guitar. He loved working with wood, and when he "grew up" he wanted to make guitars. Kyle recently graduated, he was becoming quite the successful young man.
When Kyle's father spoke, he talked about how much he   loved playing with soliders, and had a bucket of them. He said we are all soliders, but we have now lost our commander in chief. He also indicated that he will be caring around Kyle's Fifteen Commandments, I am hoping to get a copy too. 
Although I didn't know him well, I think to myself, what if that was my child. Having a child the same age, I started reflecting how precious life is, and I cannot imagine what it is like to lose a child. My heart goes out to anyone who loses their child. What I took away from today was to love each day like it is your last. You don't know what tomorrow will bring, each day you tell your kids you love them, and don't ever take life for granted.
 Once the service was over, we attended the reception in the Church hall, we mingle through the crowd and walked towards the collage of pictures to look at the life of Kyle. While we were over there, Ryan and I got very emotional, when Lynda (Kyle's Mom) notice how upset we were she came over to us and hugged us and thanked us for coming, and she said I know this is very hard. How incredible she came over to comfort us, when all I wanted to do was comfort her, that shows just how incredible she is. I turned to her and I said I am so sorry for your loss, he was a great friend to my son. 
Lynda's picture from Basin Head PEI
I'd like to close with the poem that was noted on Kyle's Funeral Card;
I'd like the memory of me
To be a happy one
I'd like to leave an afterglow
Of smiles when the day is done.

I’d like to leave an echo
Whispering softly down the ways,
Of happy times, and laughing times
And bright sunny days.

I’d like the tears of those who grieve
To dry before the sun
Of happy memories that I leave
Behind ~ when the day is done.

Dedicated to Kyle Miotto - Oct.19th 1994 - Aug.6th 2012 - R.I.P

As my son Ryan said "This train is bound for glory"

Children are the hands by which we take hold of heaven...Hug them each day and tell them you love them

Much Love  Shelley Harris & Family

Love Your Children


  1. My dear,

    This certainly did sound like a day filled with much learning and reflection. It is unfortunate that these days, it takes a tragedy for some kids to realize that life is precious and should not be taken for granted. Our children always think we make stupid rules just to have control, yet deep down we are doing our best to educate and protect them from harm. Great post, (as usual) while reading I too had a tear. Please know that my heart goes out to this family and I hope that Ryan will heal from this unfortunate tragedy.

    Love you lots!


  2. it would have been Kyles 18th birthday this Friday Oct 19th we love him we will always miss him and we will always share our good memories
    Love Always Aunt Gwen

    1. I did not know Kyle well, but just seeing the love from his family and friends you know how much he was loved. I am so sorry for everyone's loss. My son misses him dearly.

  3. Hello Shelly, my name is Enzo Miotto, Kyle Miotto dad. I would like to express my gratitude for your kind warm words and thoughts expressed on your blog. Please let Ryan know that it is not easy to move on, however he is not alone and I would like him to know that we are here to a part of his grieving and healing. I also agree with your closing line, you said it best. Children are the hands by which we take hold of heaven...Hug them each day and tell them you love them..
