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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Staying on Track...Staying True To Your Passion

Recently I was asked a question, "when you find yourself in a situation do you ever look at yourself as a client, and coach your way through it". The answer is yes, I think with most coaches, we look at ourselves and say if I was a client what would you do, or say to get this client thinking, or moving. Ideally you would hire another coach, to help you work through it, face it you are too attached to your own story. As a coach we are on the "frontline" working through our clients emotions, and actions getting them moving towards their goals.

For myself, there are times where I read blogs, and websites, looking for support/resources in different ways. I can find it from peers, forums, mentors, blogs or websites. So I would like to write to offer my support to you.

Within the last several years, I have made choices to live a happy and positive life, not everyday is always bliss, but I certainly try my best. One thing coaching has done for me is to move past the feelings I had as a child and the anger and frustration I had with my life. I felt up until recently I was in a better place, but even as a Mother, Wife and Certified Coach we all have our moments.

To stay on track you have to make a conscious effort to not allow yourself to get pulled in, but what happens if it is just to much to handle. How do you work through it, I am feeling very challenged these days, things are out of my control, and they are affecting me so deeply. I am taking one day at a time and working through each crisis at a time. In times like this it is so important to surround myself with people who care and are positive influences in my life.

I feel I need to talk about one of my frustrations, I have this gift, working with teens, and families, and I feel like I have exhausted so many options, and still not finding any open doors, I've had alot of doors close in my face but because of my passion and perseverance I refuse to let my dream go, I will never stop. My natural ability is to empower people to be better and do better. When talking to people about my passion, I like to use this analogy, it's like a singer who can sing, but isn't given a platform. What I find is I have this beautiful gift and without the platform, I cannot share and do what it is I am meant to do. This is my calling, I refuse to quit.

In the next couple of months I require surgery and I will be recovering for 2-3 months, I plan on taking this time, and not only let my body heal, but let myself rest. In addition to having surgery I was recently informed that my workplace is closing, and shortly after that my husband was informed his workplace is closing. The good news is, he was offered a position at another location, so we are grateful. There are alot of uncertainties right now, so we will take one day at a time and work through each one as they come.

With all that is going on, I have made the choice to be happy and excited about my new adventures. I mean I have worked since I was 10 years old (started with a paper route) and I have been working pretty much since then. So this is the time to really delve into what matters to me, I have a great feeling about the future, and what lies ahead.  My Coaching business will become my main focus, I am so excited that I will have the time, to focus on what is so important to me.

Next week, Monday, April 16th  I am attending a live Lifeclass show with not only Oprah, but some of the most inspiring empowering leaders I have ever "known" http://www.olctoronto.com/. See if you can spot me on OWN TV, Monday, April 16th, I believe the time is 8:00 EST. You can also login online, or on her Lifeclass Facebook page as well. I am so excited, and fortunate that I am going, I am truly blessed. Oprah is someone I have looked up to my entire life, and being able to see her is a dream come true.

Thanks for your time, TTYS

Much Love,
Shelley Harris, CPCC
Certified Professional Coach

Personal Best Life Coaching Services
Renee Trudeau Associate & Facilitator
Brampton, Ontario

Bus: 905-452-9506
Cell: 647-283-5847

Email: sharris0569@rogers.com or


The path to your journey is one step at a time...

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